
The Park

This Weekend has been very nice.  Bobby has had most of the weekend off which is unusual and has made me very happy!  Like most weekends it has been filled with a few To Do items, but the majority of time has been spent relaxing and spending some much needed time together.  

The weather has been chilly and has made my heart happy.  I admit, I feel cold in the 65 degree weather, but stepping outside and breathing in cool air is a rare treat.  

We went to the park on Saturday to enjoy the cooler temperatures and take advantage of the sparse park attendance. We soaked up the sun in between the cloud cover, but eventually the wind forced us to retreat back home and snuggle under the blankets!


  1. Ahhh relaxing! I can't wait until it is 65 here and we can take Everdeeny to all our favorite parks! :)

  2. um...that "park" is my back yard

    -your neighbor
