
100 Days of Happy : 43-49

Day 43 : Sunday
Spring is gone and Summer is here.  A breezy beautiful end to the day

Day 44 : Monday
My dear friend Makenzie's birthday was on Monday.  It was soulmate at first site and we've been best friends since our freshman year of college!  We are 2,000 miles apart but luckily distance has no bearing on our friendship :)

Day 45 : Tuesday
Tuesday night Bobby and I headed off on a date night for our anniversary.  Cheesecake from the Cheesecake factory was a must seeing that was what we chose for our wedding cake!

Day 46 : Wednesday
Bobby surprised me with a brand new camera and its wonderful to be able to finally take decent photos!  This bright green lizard was sunning himself on the side of the house and I was able to capture it with my new camera!

Day 47 : Thursday
A work dinner at a local pub.  Although it wasn't ideal to have dinner with 16 colleagues, lawyers, and a  Colonel, I always enjoy this restaurant, especially the toe tapping Irish band!

Day 48 : Friday
Friday was spent at Tribal Headquarters.  I always enjoy working in Hollywood because, well, its a 15 minute drive instead of a 1 hour drive!  But its also a beautiful building and I always feel quite fancy attending meetings here.

Day 49 : Saturday
Of course my dear Aurelia always makes my heart happy!  I love her little blue streak in her eye and her loud constant purring!

What made you happy this week?


  1. Lucky you getting a brand new camera for your anniversary! I expect to see lots more pictures! :)

    1. yes- hopefully my terrible, grainy pictures have come to an end :) Although they will never be as good as yours!

  2. I agree. More pictures. I had a lovely weekend with two of my three girls. Missed you bunches.
