
Orange you Glad

Today for my afternoon snack I enjoyed a nice orange on the office deck.  It rained ALL day except at 4pm so I decided to get warm from the way too cold air conditioner and sit outside.  As I peeled my orange I glanced at the sticker. It read Summer Citrus.  That sounds nice.  And then I kept reading...South Africa.  South Africa?  My orange is all the way from South Africa?  I live in the state of oranges.  There are oranges on my license plate.  There are hundreds and hundreds of acres of orange groves down the street from my office and the only oranges at the grocery store are from thousands of miles away? 
I wonder what Florida is really doing with all of their oranges...

Well, thank you South Africa for coming through with my delicious snack.  At least I can count on someone.



  1. What does Florida do with all their oranges?

  2. I ate a peach today (from Colorado) and it tasted just like summer!
