

Today I received an e-mail at 6:00 am saying that I-75 was closed due to fog.  Must be pretty bad if they close the main highway between here and Naples.  My carpool decided it would be faster just to wait it out with everyone else on the highway instead of driving some crazy back country road and driving into an alligator infested canal.

As we drove closer to I-75, traffic started backing up and we could see the flashing lights of the police helping to direct traffic off the exits.  Hundreds of cars lined the frontage roads and the exit ramps were at a crawl.   As we slowly drove up to the row of cops, my co-worker, who was driving, rolled down his window to see what the situation was.  I told him that we should just exit like everyone else.  He is is big guy from Brooklyn, and was wearing dark sunglasses and his official white collared work shirt with the tribe's logo.  The window barely made it all the way down when to our amazement the cop waved us on towards the highway. Not a single word was said on our end and we all just nodded to the cop, pretending that we were very important and obviously on official business. 

We all started laughing so hard.  We couldn't believe that the cops just let us onto the highway, leaving behind hundreds of stranded motorists waiting for the fog to lift.

Now if you'll excuse me, I am very important and have very important things to do!