
Jessica B

My dear friend Jessica is moving to Oklahoma.  I am so sad that she is leaving, but I know she has a great opportunity with her new job and also being much closer to her family.  We have been friends since graduate school and I have been so grateful that we have been able to live and work together for the past 2 years.

2008, Lubbock, TX
For our final weekend together, we headed down to Miami to see a show at the venue where Bobby works.  It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed great music, food, and being in the hippest place in south Florida!

I will miss having such a close friend at work, sneaking away for a walk around the boardwalk, having a lunch companion, and having someone to blow off steam with when my day was not going so well. I will miss our Harry Pottery marathons and puzzle dates.  Our weekend trips to the $3 movie theater and being entertained by all the blue and red haired ladies.  

2012, Miami

At least I know that good friendships last forever, no matter the distance.  I'm so glad we got to experience this new place together and I feel a little more brave and a little more comfortable here thanks to Jessica.

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