Bringing a new member into your household is a learning experience. It takes time to figure out the routines, the likes, the dislikes, the quirks, and the habits. It takes time to just figure each other out.
We've had Aurelia for just over a month now and our lives have definitely changed. I still feel like each day I learn something new about her. Its been a good experience to expand our "parenting" skills and actually be responsible for another living creature!
Here is what I've learned so far:
1. She is a Turkish Van which means she likes to constantly T A L K. When she goes for a quick stroll through the living room, when you bother her, when she's hungry, when she's happy, when she's get the idea.
Our cat growing up was very quiet and only meowed when he'd had enough of our "play time" or when he was chirping at the birds. I'm still trying to identify all of her meows and what they mean.. just like a new born baby.
2. I need to be up at exactly 5:00 am (which you know n e v e r happens) to feed her. She's on a strict diet because she is slightly obese (is that mean to talk about your cat like that on the internet?) and so she is not shy to let me know she is hungry.
3. She likes her tummy rubbed, but not that part of her tummy--geeze. There is an imaginary line she has created and if you cross it you get nipped. The line seems to change every day.
4. When she is awake, she likes to check in with me every 5-10 minutes. She comes and finds me, jumps in my face, meows, and then leaps away.
5. She loves us and we love her. She's started cuddling and sleeping by my side and has recently started sleeping on her back with her legs straight up in the air. classy. My mom said, "I guess that means she's comfortable!"
When Bobby leaves for work, he always runs and finds her so he can say good-bye. It's pretty cute!