
Learning to be 30

I'm excited about turning 30.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be 29 and am enjoying this year, but there is something about being 30 that has always intrigued me.  I'm pretty sure I'll still feel like I'm 18 {when do you actually feel your age?} come November, but I am excited about knowing myself next year.

Side note:
I've seen a lot of lists out there of "30 things to accomplish before turning 30".  And while I don't have 30 goals, I do have a few that I wanted to accomplish by the eve of such a milestone birth year.

1.  Complete my family history project.

2.  Lose 30 24 pounds.

3.  Learn how to really cook.

4.  Get a tattoo.

5.  Start a small business.

6.  Go to the Bahamas.

7. Learn Yoga.

Since moving away from my beautiful home state of Colorado, I have learned so much about myself.  I know it sounds cliche, but its the most true statement I can make.  

And while most days I do feel like I'm still trying to figure out my life--who I am, what I want to be when I grow up, and what my own expectations are-- these past 4 1/2 years having pushed me closer to knowing the real me {the good, the bad, the ugly, and pretty}. I look back over the years, through the different stages of my life, and can see the real me shinning through.  I've never been one to hide amongst my family and closest of friends, but there were so many times in my life where I wasn't myself out of fear, uncertainty, lack of confidence, or whatever influences I held onto.  

Sometimes I get disappointed for allowing myself to hide away.  But then again, this is all part of growing up and learning.  If things had been different I would have missed out on some pretty amazing experiences in my life.  

And thats why I'm looking forward to my 30th birthday.  I have this strong feeling that it will be some of the greatest years of my life.  What better way to live your life then to live truly as yourself --- I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.

1 comment:

  1. There are difference in feeling your age, looking your age and better yet, acting your age. So during a single year, you can be three different ages!
