
Work Scenes

Work has been chugging along lately and although I don't think I can ever say I am not busy, I am feeling like I am finally getting caught up after a whirlwind summer!  I recently hired a new Collections Assistant and she is, to use the coolest 1990's term ever, da'bomb.  

Some days are quiet, other days staff are running through the office like their chair just caught on fire :).    It amazes some people the amount of activity that goes on in our preservation office and museum, being so far away from the metropolis.  But appearances are deceiving and our little trailer full of offices is like a buzzing bee hive. 

Today one of the tribal elders/ Chief Justice invited me to lunch and I escaped my desk for an enjoyable break over at Billie Swamp Safari. Mostly though, my days are spent at my desk or in the Lab, multitasking like its nobody's business.  Every few hours, I step outside onto our tiny porch and look out at our campus.  

The white Ibis are back, sauntering with their long beaks through the grass.  A hawk circles overhead and Mr. Raccoon sneakily slips inside the trashcan.  

I can feel a change in the air.  The sky is a slightly different shade of blue these days and the mornings are staying darker later.  Soon my commute will be dark both ways and I will watch the giant ball of fire sleepily rise over the Everglades, casting lean shadows and turning everything orange.

1 comment:

  1. I like hearing about your day to day work. It makes me feel closer
