I'm usually proud of the way I can multi-task Answering phone calls, while writing e-mails, and signing off on a staff person's timesheet.
I shot a quick e-mail to the whole office letting them know that everyone needed to log out of the database. As I continued to talk on the phone, someone walked by my office and said with a giant grin, "You might want to check what you just sent!"
I quickly scanned my sent e-mails and felt my face turn bright red.
Email received from Kate:
I am working on an issue with the collections database- please log off until further notice
Sorry for the incontinence
Kate Redente Macuen
Collections Manager
At least everyone knows that I am very concerned for any bladder or urinary tract problems that they all may have, especially as it relates to using the database. And next time I think I'll take my time to do one thing at a time, even if it is an inconvenience.