
Saturday Mornings

Saturday mornings I have learned to leave my husband asleep for as long as possible to avoid Mr. Grumpy Pants making his appearance. He works at a music venue on Miami Beach and Friday nights are late nights.  He generally comes home around 3:30 in the morning which means he can easily sleep till noon the next day. Those Saturdays when I felt that it was absolutely necessary to wake him from his slumbers (examples: needing him to kill a cockroach, or telling him ALL the chores that needed to get done that day...) resulted in a not so pleasant encounter.  I've learned my lesson and know that he needs his beauty sleep just as much as I do.  

Last weekend, however, I stumbled across the magic potion that will break his grumpy spell and turn him into someone who loves mornings (aka early afternoons) as much as his wife.    

A note left on the counter
After all these years, who knew it was as easy as making toast.