
Indian Day

Happy National American Indian Day!!

Today is National American Indian Day...or Indian Day as the reservation calls it.  Council gave us the day off today which is wonderful seeing I have to go into work on Saturday.  But more importantly than my day off, a reason to celebrate the tribes and for us to help the Seminoles celebrate their culture and dedication to survival.  Take that Andrew Jackson!

It makes me realize that we should all have a day dedicated to our own cultures.  I strongly believe that tribes and groups who have gone through such trials such as mass genocide deserve at least a day of recognition.  But I also feel that we should all celebrate our own cultures and traditions!

So today I am going to have spaghetti for lunch (even with my new eating habits!) and pay tribute to my ancestors.  I'll even have a cup of tea and speak a few German words to acknowledge what makes up the rest of me! I admire the tribes for their strong connection to their heritage and to their communities and families.  I think they set a good example of the love we should show ourselves, both past and present.

Have fun celebrating!


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