
"I'm Late! I'm Late! For A Very Important Date!"

I Hate being late.  It makes me incredibly anxious and I would rather not show up some place then be late.  If you are going to go to the movies to with me be prepared to leave at least 45 minutes early, even if its at the 2 dollar theater down the street.  My parents drilled it in me to be early and on time and now its ingrained in me. 

Today I was late to work.  Not just 5 minutes, but 40 minutes. Even though I called my boss I felt awful being the last one walking into work.  Now of course, it wasn't my fault that I was late(!!), but it still put me in a terrible mood. 

Here's a recap of my morning. 

6:25- race out of my house to leave for carpool
6:45- arrive at carpool on time and ready to leave!
6:45-7:04- waiting....waiting...
7:05- get phone call that the person with the car keys for the carpool car just woke up and is sick
7:06- Decide to drive my own car to work
7:06- Realize my toll pass has $1.00 left on it and I have no cash to pay the tolls
7:06- Realize I forgot my debit card at home (of course)
7:07- Turn around to drive home to get cash
7:11- Get phone call from sick person asking if I can pick up a laptop that someone else needs at work (sure why not...I'm already late)
7:30- Pick up laptop and because they felt so bad gave me their toll pass
8:40- Finally arrive at work

I wish other people felt the same way as I did about being on time.  No one seems to care about it in our society anymore and no one ever seems to feel bad for making me late.  Ok.  Now I'm done venting and am going to go watch The Office to make myself feel better. 

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