
Saturday Happenings

Today was not my typical lounging around in my pj's kind-of Saturday.  

I got up at a decent hour.

Finished a book.

Talked to a Jehovah Witness lady who came to my door.  I do not normally answer the door to visitors I don't know, but she had her little daughter with her and when I peeped through my peep hole I assumed they were selling Girl Scout Cookies.  Thin mints trumped my rational thinking.

My friend Jessica came over and we had lunch and then went to a flea market and antique store.  The first flea market was a bust.  It had weird vendors that were selling weird things in this shady and run down warehouse.  They also had a DJ and a karaoke machine and people were singing and dancing, without a care in the world, even though I was being rather judgmental for thinking they were weird for hanging out in this sketchy place and dancing to Shania Twain.  

Walked around a farmers market, or  Green Market as they say down here (or maybe other places, but I've never heard that term before!) Saw some interesting vegetables.

The second place, an antique store, was a lot of fun to rummage through.  It had a lot of cool, old things and also a lot of vintage costumes and feather boas.  I bought these neat green glass vases.

Bobby got home from work and we had dinner, watched a movie and then he was off back to work.  

Discovered 10 mosquito/bug bites all over from my neck to my toes.  Thank goodness my mom bought me Benadryl.  Where are these bug bites coming from!?

Now I am just browsing the internet, returning e-mails and thinking about calling it quits.  Tomorrow seems like a stay-in-your-pjs kind of day!

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